So basically, this post, my first post on this blog might I emphasise, is about my blog title: Love Always Wins. It seems that in our modern day society, love is a much desired object. People live for it, people die for it. Sounds all a bit melodramatic doesn't it? However, at the end of the day, everyone wants to feel loved, or at least, wants to believe in it. Call it cliche but I believe that there is a soul mate for everybody, even for all critics of love. Why else would we be here? It's our mission in life. Meet the man of your dreams, fall in love and then produce a million babies. Or marry the boy next door, whose cooties disgusted you when you were a child but who somehow ended up being the one, and then live happily ever after.
If only it were that easy.
I find that in this day and age, as everybody wants to feel this touch of passion, people rush to find love which, might I add, is quite a disastrous move. I say this from experience, not from my own, but the experiences of people around me. Typical story: girl meets boy; boy makes girl's knees weak, heart beat faster, stomach toss and turn etc etc; boy does all he can to impress girl; girl falls hard; boy breaks girl's heart. OR, girl meets boy; boy is amazing (or so girl thinks); girl plays hard to get, telling friends that she won't let this one get to her that fast; boy gets bored, plays around; girl thinks boy is genuinely interested in her and only her, which leads to her falling hard anyway (you know what I mean - not getting your full beauty sleep because you can't stop thinking about him); boy plays games, carries on playing around; girl finds out. End of relationship. Except girl starts thinking that there is something wrong with herself or gets put off the idea of love altogether.
True story.
This is why I have always been a firm believer of the fact that although desired by many, love it not something that can be rushed, forced or found. It is something that finds you when you've decided that it does not exist; when you've stopped searching for it and when you least expect it. SMACK, right in the face; a sudden shock to everybody, including yourself. Nobody chooses to fall in love, and I mean actual love.
It's interesting really, how this relates to the concept of how love is dangerous, forcing us to act in ways that we might not usually, if we were conscious of our actual surroundings a.k.a not head over heels, madly in love with our perfect man, or at least, the idea of our perfect man, or shall I say, somebody we think is the perfect man. When it's over, who do we blame? Ourselves? Never. Of course - we blame the bastard that did this to us, and most definitely, the girl that follows. She may have nothing to do with the 'break up' but it makes us feel better to blame it on her anyway. If she was the cause of the break up, well that's an even better reason to just want to knife her. One good thing from the break up though, is that we are too depressed to even think about, or even eat food. Thus, we are finally able to reach our goal weight in two days, when it would have otherwise taken as long as never. As skinny as we feel due to the 'break up' diet, we are still too depressed and therefore, carry on blaming the two for putting us in this misery and subsequently, ruining our lives. But really, is it fully their fault or are we partially to blame? I myself, have experienced, and unfortunately probably always will, the feeling of hatred towards the ex-girlfriend, and it's something that is natural (to a certain extent), just as many others have feelings of hatred towards the ex-girlfriend, the new girlfriend, the cheating ex-boyfriend or, as a close friend of mine likes to call her good-for-nothing ex-beau, 'it'. Weird really, how we let these feelings eat us up like this, get us all fired up, make us want to slit 'it's' throat and pull her hair while giving her the left hook, when we know that we're better than and better off without them. Yet we still let it get to us and we feel somewhat fulfilled when badmouthing and bitching about the 'it', midget, or whatever. As they say,
If only it were that easy.
I find that in this day and age, as everybody wants to feel this touch of passion, people rush to find love which, might I add, is quite a disastrous move. I say this from experience, not from my own, but the experiences of people around me. Typical story: girl meets boy; boy makes girl's knees weak, heart beat faster, stomach toss and turn etc etc; boy does all he can to impress girl; girl falls hard; boy breaks girl's heart. OR, girl meets boy; boy is amazing (or so girl thinks); girl plays hard to get, telling friends that she won't let this one get to her that fast; boy gets bored, plays around; girl thinks boy is genuinely interested in her and only her, which leads to her falling hard anyway (you know what I mean - not getting your full beauty sleep because you can't stop thinking about him); boy plays games, carries on playing around; girl finds out. End of relationship. Except girl starts thinking that there is something wrong with herself or gets put off the idea of love altogether.
True story.
This is why I have always been a firm believer of the fact that although desired by many, love it not something that can be rushed, forced or found. It is something that finds you when you've decided that it does not exist; when you've stopped searching for it and when you least expect it. SMACK, right in the face; a sudden shock to everybody, including yourself. Nobody chooses to fall in love, and I mean actual love.
It's interesting really, how this relates to the concept of how love is dangerous, forcing us to act in ways that we might not usually, if we were conscious of our actual surroundings a.k.a not head over heels, madly in love with our perfect man, or at least, the idea of our perfect man, or shall I say, somebody we think is the perfect man. When it's over, who do we blame? Ourselves? Never. Of course - we blame the bastard that did this to us, and most definitely, the girl that follows. She may have nothing to do with the 'break up' but it makes us feel better to blame it on her anyway. If she was the cause of the break up, well that's an even better reason to just want to knife her. One good thing from the break up though, is that we are too depressed to even think about, or even eat food. Thus, we are finally able to reach our goal weight in two days, when it would have otherwise taken as long as never. As skinny as we feel due to the 'break up' diet, we are still too depressed and therefore, carry on blaming the two for putting us in this misery and subsequently, ruining our lives. But really, is it fully their fault or are we partially to blame? I myself, have experienced, and unfortunately probably always will, the feeling of hatred towards the ex-girlfriend, and it's something that is natural (to a certain extent), just as many others have feelings of hatred towards the ex-girlfriend, the new girlfriend, the cheating ex-boyfriend or, as a close friend of mine likes to call her good-for-nothing ex-beau, 'it'. Weird really, how we let these feelings eat us up like this, get us all fired up, make us want to slit 'it's' throat and pull her hair while giving her the left hook, when we know that we're better than and better off without them. Yet we still let it get to us and we feel somewhat fulfilled when badmouthing and bitching about the 'it', midget, or whatever. As they say,
"Behind every bitch, there's a guy who made her that way."
Too damn right. Maybe it's because we care too much, or maybe we're too naive. Maybe we should just forget our feelings for this one person that made us believe that love actually exists, this one person that crushed our world and caused us to feel this hatred, anger, sadness. Then we'll feel better again right? WRONG! If you give up that easily, what's the point? It's not love if you can just walk away from it all that easily. One may think it is, but isn't love supposed to be about passion, chemistry, desire, a million emotions all in one and finally, a happily ever after? I deem that everybody has their own definition of the term 'love' and the meaning of it may vary according to different people, yet, might I repeat, it is one of the most sought after intangible objects in the whole world, universe, galaxy.
I have always believed in going with your gut instinct. If it feels right, it probably is - even if you have to work at it to perfect it and make it right. To me, giving up is a sign of weakness. Because at the end of the day, you aren't ever going to be able to forget somebody you shared a part of your life with (unless you get hit by a train, miraculously survive and wake up with amnesia - if you could be so lucky!), so why not either count your blessings that it's over and wasn't meant to be, or pick yourself up and go get what rightfully belongs to you? As I always say, competition is a good thing, and if it's really love, and I mean actual love, it will always find a way to work itself out. Think Noah & Allie from The Notebook. Ah, what a beautiful love story.
I may not be an expert, but I am not dim. After all, it did take me a while and a bunch of loser boyfriends to realise what love was and here I am, in a committed relationship of 3 and a half years. I had to work hard to get to where I am and I'll admit, love has me on a bipolar train; some days I'm on top of the world, others.. well, no comment. It's not easy, it never will be, but that's what makes it exciting. It's not about who's right or wrong, no instruction manual or guide to a man's heart. It's just the pure and simple fact that no matter what obstacles you encounter, or however long it takes you to find you, love always wins.
I have always believed in going with your gut instinct. If it feels right, it probably is - even if you have to work at it to perfect it and make it right. To me, giving up is a sign of weakness. Because at the end of the day, you aren't ever going to be able to forget somebody you shared a part of your life with (unless you get hit by a train, miraculously survive and wake up with amnesia - if you could be so lucky!), so why not either count your blessings that it's over and wasn't meant to be, or pick yourself up and go get what rightfully belongs to you? As I always say, competition is a good thing, and if it's really love, and I mean actual love, it will always find a way to work itself out. Think Noah & Allie from The Notebook. Ah, what a beautiful love story.
I may not be an expert, but I am not dim. After all, it did take me a while and a bunch of loser boyfriends to realise what love was and here I am, in a committed relationship of 3 and a half years. I had to work hard to get to where I am and I'll admit, love has me on a bipolar train; some days I'm on top of the world, others.. well, no comment. It's not easy, it never will be, but that's what makes it exciting. It's not about who's right or wrong, no instruction manual or guide to a man's heart. It's just the pure and simple fact that no matter what obstacles you encounter, or however long it takes you to find you, love always wins.
P.S. If you get the guy in the end, treat yourself by buying a new pair of shoes. Hard work but you did it and you're definitely way better than her - I remind myself of this everyday :D
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