University is seriously doing my head in! After two long days in a row (I HATE TUESDAYS, and Wednesday is slowly creeping onto my 'days I hate' list), I am sitting here trying to do some research, for about 3 assignments at once. Eeeek! Can't wait to finish, graduate and never look back! In the meantime, heres to me being swamped in textbooks and being broke - had to buy the new Microsoft Office 2010 yesterday - set me back $200 - that's a new pair of shoes right there! :(
Also pay day today, though most of it's already gone from having things to pay for. Have finally started saving (again) for Europe. Hopefully this time, the money stays in my savings...
On a happier note, after having such a bad day yesterday (firstly my Topshop Wisterias had not arrived, I was having a major fat day, the person I was supposed to meet to view my boat for my 21st rang to cancel, I had nothing to wear and it all lead to me being grumpy, sitting in class), my boy, who had been waiting for me to finish class, surprised me with a pretty red rose and took me out for dinner. Definitely what I needed and my shoes did turn up in the end! :)
Now, back to my assignments....
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