
Red Lips

Red Lips. Sex. Meow.



Things are looking good. Have been super busy with uni, work, awards night, charity fashion show and work experience this week, but it's all been good! Life is amazing at the moment. Big things are about to happen - I can feel it. And it's making me happy :D



For every man, there is a woman who can make him change. - I thought I was that one woman, but apparently I was wrong.... Funny how you can be best friends with somebody for 5 years and just have everything you built together - trust, friendship, love - all thrown away. A bit contradictory on my part as my blog says 'love always wins', but maybe it doesn't. Or maybe it wasn't love. Who knows.



  1. Healthy Eating - need to lose weight for New Zealand Fashion Week.
  2. Study - need to start and focus on all assignments.
  3. Gym - need to get back into routine to tone up for Fashion Week.
  4. Save - need to stop spending and start saving for Europe.



Study Study Study.!

University is seriously doing my head in! After two long days in a row (I HATE TUESDAYS, and Wednesday is slowly creeping onto my 'days I hate' list), I am sitting here trying to do some research, for about 3 assignments at once. Eeeek! Can't wait to finish, graduate and never look back! In the meantime, heres to me being swamped in textbooks and being broke - had to buy the new Microsoft Office 2010 yesterday - set me back $200 - that's a new pair of shoes right there! :(
Also pay day today, though most of it's already gone from having things to pay for. Have finally started saving (again) for Europe. Hopefully this time, the money stays in my savings...
On a happier note, after having such a bad day yesterday (firstly my Topshop Wisterias had not arrived, I was having a major fat day, the person I was supposed to meet to view my boat for my 21st rang to cancel, I had nothing to wear and it all lead to me being grumpy, sitting in class), my boy, who had been waiting for me to finish class, surprised me with a pretty red rose and took me out for dinner. Definitely what I needed and my shoes did turn up in the end! :)
Now, back to my assignments....


Model Inspiration : Jessica Hart

What a stunner! With an amazing bod and amazing face to go with, Jessica Hart surely is an inspiration for many girls around the world including myself! After a huge dinner and drinks tonight with my boy, detox starts tomorrow! Argh, pictures just make me sick with envy!


Horse Riding

I've wanted to go horse riding for a while now and everytime I see a horse on TV in a movie I keep telling my boyfriend to take me. One of my not so fondest memories was actually falling off a horse at school camp in year 11 - because I was the tallest in the group, I got to ride the naughty horse, who galloped off and threw me back causing me to fall and land on my backside in WHITE PANTS! Lovely. Hopefully this time, I will be more of a lady :)

Here are some awesome pics I found, thought they were quite wonderful actually! x


Dj Tydi

Last night was probably the best night out I've had in ages. Surprisingly because of the fact that I had worked a full day and was knackered by the time I got home; not surprisingly because Tydi is not only Australia's #1 DJ, but he is just so damn amazing. Once we got in, crowd was pumping, we were on a good buzz - well I know I definitely was!
Side effects this morning however, were not such a good thing, especially since I had to work :(! Now full on stress week this coming week with healthy eating (especially after eating out 4 days in a row this week, plus big dinner tonight and 2 huge slices of cheesecake), intense gym sessions and mad studying! I WILL DO IT! :D
P.S. Happy 22nd year wedding anniversary to my lovely parents. x


Latest purchases

A couple days ago a friend and I were having a chat on Facebook about shoes (of course!) The discussion was about whether or not she should buy a pair of shoes - to which I said yes (once again, of course!). She commented "shoes shoes shoes."
My reply was "love, love love."

Need I say more?

Here are some pictures of my latest purchases to be added to my growing amaze collection - can't wait for them to arrive! :) I am now on the hunt for a shoe rack to store all my babies! This saving for Europe really isn't happening! Especially as I have my eyes on another 3 pairs....